Monday, December 31, 2012

Farewell 2012

Well hello again! I hope that all of you had a wonderful Christmas, I myself sure did! Now I am back on the last day of 2012.  I have had this idea for a post burning in my head for so long and I am SO EXCITED to finally do it.   But first, a notification for you.  If you take a look around, you will notice I added another blog to my blog list.  This is my Aunt's new blog that you should definitely take a peek at! :)

Okay, well I thought I'd share with you my "of the year" awards.  These include books, movies, music, etc. that have really made an impact on me this year or I have just really enjoyed.  This past year has been full of so much learning, change, and growing up for me.  And all of these following things have aided in that change or altered my view on something or brought me some kind of inspiration in some way.  So enjoy. :)

First up on the list is music....

Thanks to my brother, this year I've found the same love and need for music that he has.  Before I never had the patience to sit down and REALLY listen to the music.  Now I find endless inspiration in music and have found myself constantly yearning to be singing, to be finding new artists and new songs to listen to.  I felt that I had to split this "award" into two categories; secular and Christian.  They are obviously very different. So without further ado, I present to you my "Artist(s) of the Year Award"....

Dear Mumford and Sons-
Just want to say thanks for never getting old.  I could listen to your songs 100 times over and discover something new every time.  You are just amazing and you sparked the beginning of my love for music.
Dear Jamie Grace-
Your songs have touched my life and my heart in ways you probably never thought possible.  God is doing some crazy stuff through your music.  You have no idea how many times I've listened to your music before I went  to sleep after the hard days or when I sang "Hold Me" in my head on the crazy days just to try to keep my self sane.  You are a God girl, that's for sure and your music inspires me every day.

The next award is for the book of the year.  Now just as I sit here I've already changed my mind on what it is going to be.  I've read so many good books.  But now I'm remembering one that- no exaggeration - literally changed the way I live.
Dear Corrie Ten Boom-
When I get to heaven I can't wait to meet you.  Your story is incredible.  Your book woke me up, made me realize what a cynic I had been.  Made me want love others the way God loves them.
Seriously, everyone, if you haven't- GO. READ. THIS. BOOK. NOW.

On a less serious note (and a more geeky one), I would like to present to you a show that has swept me off my feet....
Dear Doctor Who-
When at first your TARDIS-flying, galaxy-leaping, time travelling, 900-some-year-old Doctor was introduced, I thought you were crazy.  But, alas, who could stop me?  I am head over heels in love with you, stupid show!!  You make me laugh, cry, scream, and you've given me far too many irrational fears.  Statues.  Telephones.  Earpieces.  Gas masks.  Oh well, you're always worth it and you never disappoint me.  Allonsy!

The next award was probably the most difficult for me to decide on.  To pick one "Song of the Year" is tricky.  There have been countless songs that have gotten me through so many different situations.  But there is one song that has totally related to my life in the past year.  Don't get me wrong, there are many I could have chosen from, but I just kept going back to this one.  It's simple, it's sweet, it's perfect for how I've felt many a time in 2012.
Last but not least, I have my "Quote (Verse) of the Year" award.  As you already know (or I hope you know) by now, I am in love with words.  And obsessed with quotes.  If I could pick one quote - just one - to sum up my year, this would be it.  And I don't think it needs any explanation.

....Happy 2013....
Love, Anna :)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Peacing Out

Hello out there!  This post will be my Merry Christmas post since next Sunday I will be HITTING THE ROAD, JACK!  Unless I get super inspired this week to blog again (which probably will not happen since this is a busy week) I want to say Merry Christmas to y'all fans of mine still sticking around!  (Don't miss me too much, I'll be back before New Year's with a post reflecting on 2012.)

Well lately I've been thinking about the best gifts I've ever received.  When I was a little girl I might have said my favorite gifts were an American Girl Doll or a pretty princess dress.  Even a couple of years ago I might have said getting to see CATS for my birthday was the best gift I'd ever gotten.  But this December, after looking back over the past two years, and especially the past few months, I think I'd say something very different.  

Of course every good little kid in Sunday School knows the right answer to that question.  When their teacher looks down into their fresh faces and implores what their greatest gift is, a chorus of certain voices proclaim, "Jesus!".  And they're absolutely right, every one.  Jesus is our greatest gift.  Even the smallest of children know that, but have yet to understand it.  

When God sent Jesus to earth, He gave every one of us all we could ever need or ever ask for - He gave us a Savior.  And yet time and time again we turn to God in doubt, in fear, in worry, we question Him, we ask Him to give us things.  We don't stop to realize that He already gave us everything.  He gave us His word, He gave us the Holy Spirit, He gave us His son.  

I've grown up all my life hearing this story time and time again, but never has it filled me up so much.  Never have I been so full, so satisfied, so at peace.  PEACE.  Peace is really what I'm trying to get at.  Over the past year, and like I said before, especially these past months, I have changed.  I've changed so much I can't explain it.  And that is because for the first time in my life I have truly felt PEACE.  I've stopped asking God to change things, to give me things, to make things go away.  I've starting asking God to bring peace to situations, saying YOUR WILL BE DONE, asking Him to grant me peace.  God, if it isn't meant to be changed, bring Your peace upon it.  God, if You won't heal the pain, bring Your peace upon it. 

PEACE is the greatest gift I've ever received.  When you ask God for peace, you're not asking for everything to be right again.  You're not asking for the pain to stop.  You're not asking for YOUR will to be done, but for HIS.  You're just asking that you will find the strength and joy in Him in the midst of your troubles.  PEACE is the only thing I can possibly ask of God, because as I said earlier, He has already given us everything we need.  

And it's hard.  It's really darn hard.  And I am still so selfish and I still ask God for things I want and for things to go my way.  But the Holy Spirit is gently guiding me in the way of true peace and joy and contentment, and I pray peace upon all of you, so that you too can experience its beauty.

I hope and pray that this Christmas and this coming year, that you will be filled with the peace that passes understanding, and the joy that will inevitably come as a result.  Ask less and trust more.  Worry less and pray more.  Have a wonderful Christmas as we praise the God who gives us PEACE, who gives us JOY, and who gives us LIFE.

P.S. If you couldn't tell: PEACE was my inspiration this week;).
P.P.S. Here's your quote of the week:
 "Peace is not the absence of trouble but the presence of CHRIST." -Sheila Walsh
P.P.P.S. Hope this song makes you smile! :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Line by Line

Well, congratulations to everyone who has stuck with me thus far - this is officially post number three!  You guys are awesome and keep up the wonderful comments and words of encouragement because you have no idea how much they mean and how much they inspire me to keep going!

This past week I thought long and hard about how to improve my blog and what to write about and other such things.  If you haven't noticed already, take a look around at the subtle changes I've made.  On the right side bar, I have listed some blogs that I like.  My brother has just started a new blog this past week called "Sitting Down to Bleed" and we are now blogging buddies!  I encourage you to CHECK IT OUT 'cause he's pretty great (but I'm not biased or anything)! :)  I also created another list of links to websites I enjoy (I will be adding to it more) including my Pinterest account (actually it's under my Mom's name) and if you dare to look at it, you will see how utterly Pinterest-obsessed I am.  I also have a link to my blog's Facebook page!  Y'all readers out there, please please please share my blog with your friends and whoever else you think might enjoy it!  I appreciate all the help I can get.  And if there are ever any improvements you think I could make/topics I should write about or just suggestions for my blog, please don't hesitate to let me know!

Anyway, now that the boring stuff is out of the way....
Today I have decided to introduce you to one of my closest companions.  And you have probably already guessed this by now, but I figured I'd give you a formal introduction to one of my very best friends: WORDS.  Crazy, I know.  But really, I have yet to find something more beautiful, more elegant, more creative, more unique, more vast, more boundless, than WORDS.   I have always been head over heels in love with them.  Learning a new word gives me this rush of adrenaline, this little spark of "what could I do with this".  I write them everywhere: in my planner, on sticky notes, in my journal.  I. LOVE. WORDS. 

Okay, so now you're probably thinking I'm not so sane after all.  That may be true.  But all my life I have been drawn to words.  Reading words. Saying words. Forming words. Learning words. Spelling words. And most of all, writing words.  Over the years, I've gotten more and more obsessed with words in bigger ways.  Since I can remember, I've followed my Dad's example and I've written poems.  I don't recall a time when I wasn't a writer.  I've just always been one.  As I got older, and my knowledge greater, I found hope and joy in others' words.  In the Word of God.  In literature.  In poetry.  In music.  A couple years ago, I started making a quote wall on the back of my bedroom door.  It started out with just two quotes.  As of right now, the door is about two-thirds filled with quotes.  Just the other day, as I was looking through my Pinterest quote board (oh yes, my PINTEREST quote board;)) I realized I ought to be sharing my words more.  They mean so much to me.  I need to share them with others, too, so they can have the same feeling I get when I read them!  So each week, I am going to give you a quote, I am going to share my words with you.

Now as I continue on this blogging journey, I am hoping to each week give to you a source that inspires me. It may be a person, a place, an event, or an object.  This week, seeing as how it is the second week of Advent, the thing that inspires me happens to be HOPE. 

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 8:38-39

Have a great week and rejoice in the HOPE He has given us. 

P.S. Pumped for the hobbit?

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Opening the Script

Well, hello again. :)

It is officially post two and I am ready to get back at it!  So this past week I had two unwavering emotions.  One was joy.  And the other doubt.  I was overjoyed by the reaction I got from my readers (the number of comments on my first post made me so excited I couldn't stand myself) and encouraged to know that I have fans out there who are as enthusiastic about this round-two blog as I am.  However, I couldn't help a sense of overwhelming doubt that kept nagging me all week.  "Anna, what do YOU have to write about?"..."Anna, you're going to give up on this blog just as easily as you did your last."..."Anna, no one wants to read your lame posts about that mundane rat race you call your life."

Oh yes.  Well I have a few things to say to that.  One, I DO have a lot to write about, and I will expand on that a little later.  Two, I am not going to give up on this blog.  I know myself, and I know that at times I can be easily overwhelmed by small things.  And I also know I have a hard time disciplining myself to keep up with certain things.  (Now you're probably thinking, "So why would she even start this blog in the first place then?")  Readers, I set out on a mission when I started this blog.  And though I know it won't always be easy to keep up with it, I am confident that as I grow as a writer, and as you (readers) encourage me to keep going, I will not give up.  And third, "that mundane rat race" that I call my life happens to be full of everyday adventure, beauty, and inspiration.  All we need to do is pick up our heads once and a while.  We need to LISTEN instead of just hear.  We need to SEE instead of just look.  And we need to be LIVING OUT our faith instead of just believing.  So with those three things in mind, I want to introduce you to a question I have pondered many a time.  And an answer that I hope will be sufficient.

Why do I write?

I find myself every once and a while, after finishing a poem or a short journal entry, asking myself this question. And finding that I have trouble pinpointing an exact reason.  After much consideration, I have found a somewhat substantial explanation for why I write.  I write because I have to.  It is NOT a hobby.  It is NOT an "exercise for my brain".  It is NOT a sly tactic to get people's attention or praise.  I write simply because if I do not, I am miserable.  I write simply because it is wholly who I am.  I write simply because, like any other creature, it is what God gave me to do.

Writing is the best way I can express myself.  My writing shows exactly who I am.  I'll let you in on a little secret.  Those who read my writing, especially my poems, are the people who will know me the best.  My writing never hides anything.  It is open, real, and completely me.  So as my readers, you have a very special advantage.  You have an outlook into my personality, my experiences, faults, likes and dislikes.  And through my writing and the Holy Spirit's work through it, I hope to someday, somehow, at some point, touch someone's life.

And that is just about all I have to say today.  See you next week!
Write on and read on, dears....:)

P.S. Check out my facebook page:

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Lights Up

So, this is a little awkward....getting started, I mean.

I've never been good at starting things.  But here I am again, to those of you unfortunate enough to have read my old blog that I created three years ago.  Let's just say that I am much older and more mature least I think I am.  To those of you who haven't, I guess I should introduce myself.  My name is Anna and I am a high school student.  I would ramble on, but I think the more you read my blog, the more you'll find out about me.

My purpose in starting out on this new and exciting blogging adventure is simple.  I love to write.  And I figured it was about time I put my writing out there.  It was about time I tried disciplining myself a bit.  So that's just what I'm doing.  I'm making a resolution.  A resolution to WRITE more, to READ more, to THINK more, to PRAY more, to LIVE more.

I am going to do my very best, readers, to post once a week to start.  I apologize if it's lame.  I'm sorry if I waste your time.  But I do ask this of you: give me a chance.  Keep reading more than just a couple posts.  Give me a little time.  I'm just a hopeful, starry-eyed, young writer who wants to have a voice.  Please comment, give me your feedback!  I will savor every morsel you feed me!

Alright, so here I am.  And there you are (hopefully).

Let's begin.