This week I had a realization that hit me kind of hard.
I was talking with a friend about the "high school culture". Mostly about high school dating but also about the way most high schoolers talk and dress.
And as we were talking, I realized how immune I've become to a lot of things that maybe I shouldn't be immune to.
This got me thinking.
How much of our world's society are we SO immune to that we don't even find it troubling anymore.
How many times have we seen magazines like this:
Or posters like this:
And passed them by without a second thought as to how harmful they actually are?
I mean, how many times do we laugh when a character unexpectedly drops the "f bomb" in movies. And how are we okay with watching shows where all the characters are having sex with people they barely know? It's so much more common than we realize.
It's so easy to pass these things off as "just how the world is now". But just for one moment, shouldn't we stop and think about what we're putting into our minds? Even if it's unintentional, like the magazines at the grocery store check out, shouldn't we take a minute to truly realize what these things mean?
I think it's easy for us to justify not caring because, well, WE don't do those things. We aren't wearing those clothes, saying those words, or having sex with random strangers. So it's okay for us to sit back and be entertained by the spectacle of our fallen world.
"Alright Anna, we get your point. But what are we supposed to DO about it?"
You got me there.
I don't know, honestly. I'm not saying we should stop going to the grocery store or the mall for fear of seeing things we shouldn't see. I'm not saying we should stop watching TV, reading magazines, or listening to mainstream music. I'm not saying we should shut out the world by any means.
I think what I'm really trying to say is that we should be a little more troubled by it, a little less blind to it, a little less immune to the world.
Maybe next time we see a magazine exploiting women or libeling someone, we should just stop for a minute. Maybe pray. For that person, or for our world, or for the LORD's presence to be known.
Maybe we should have sympathy for people like Lindsay Lohan or Miley Cyrus, instead of making fun of them.
Maybe we should mute the commercials that sell only sin.
Maybe we should just be a little more "on our guards". More aware. Less immune.
Now, there haven't been too many occasions where I've spewed my opinions out for all to see on my blog. And I was a bit afraid to post this, knowing that it's not something people are going to want to hear, since it's something we're all guilty of.
And before you start thinking I'm a hypocrite, let me be the first to say that I am extremely guilty of all of this. I have become frighteningly immune, and this post is as much for myself as it is for anyone else.
I hope that this strikes a chord with some of you as much as it did for me.
Alright, I promise I am done "speechifying" you.
...Love, Anna...
"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things."
Philippians 4:8