Oh well, I usually do better if I'm "winging it" anyway.
I guess I just have this fear that eventually I'll just run out of good things to say. Maybe I will. But not right now.
I think today I'm just going to stop by and say that I am truly feeling full. It's not because my life is perfect or because I'm happy all the time.
I just am, full.
Full of God's ability to prove me wrong. Every time I think I'm right.
Full of God's ability to work through pain. Every time I want to run away from Him.
Full of God's love. Not just for me. Not just in my life. In every person I've ever come in contact with.
Full of God's peace. Peace that holds me steady in the swarming chaos of my mind, my heart, and my world.
Full of God's hope. In the snow, in the cold, in the sun, in the gray clouds.
Full of God's people. In me and around me. People who love me when I least deserve it, people who love me despite all of my shenanigans. Family and friends who never cease to give me pieces of their hearts. People who have made me who I am.
Full of God's music. Melodies of words and sounds and beauty, everywhere and everyday of my life. Proving to me constantly that You are here with me.
Maybe this is all just a jumbled mess of sentimentality to you. But something in me just needed to put it all "out there" today.
To take a moment, to breathe, to be still.
To be full.
So thank you, LORD.
For Your full and fulfilling love and for filling my heart and my life with it.
...Love, Anna...

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