Saturday, March 29, 2014

Why I Hate the Label "Christian"

For as long as I can remember, I've always loved trying to figure people out.  I used to pick a box that I thought they would fit best in and slap them with labels I thought would suit them.  I love being able to define people, things, places, so that they make sense to me.

It's easy, isn't it? If we force people into the boxes we believe they'll fit in, then we feel more comfortable with ourselves.

Problem is, as I got older I learned how complicated people are. One person can't be shoved into a single box or labeled one specific thing.  I know I can't.

I became aware of the fact that no matter how long or well you think you know someone, there will still be things about that person that you will never know.  And until you know every single tiny fact and thought and feeling of a person, you simply can't define him or her.

It frustrates me to no end because I just hate not being able to figure people out.  I want them to make sense, to follow certain patterns, to act only like the category I place them in.

All of this is quite ironic, because all my life I've fought against the labels and boxes people try to fit me into.  All the while thinking, "They don't really know me."

Due to recent events in my life, I have come to hate all labels concerning "Christian."  I hate the label "Presbyterian", "Methodist", "Catholic", "Baptist", and the list could go on.

If you want to call me a Christian, that's fine.  You're not wrong.

But I do not consider myself a Christian.
*Now's the part where you do your best jaw-dropping shocked face.*

Now before you sound the alarm and start thinking everything I've ever written before is a lie, let me explain.

I am a Christian.  But because of this crazy, upside-down, self-revolving, judgmental world, the name "Christian" has become a word that people either roll their eyes at or claim that they are one just because they go to church on Christmas and Easter.

If you were to ask me, "Are you a Christian?"
My answer would, of course, be yes.
But that's not all I would say.
Because I'm not a Christian by choice, a Christian biologically, a Christian because of my generation, a Christian because I' want to be "religious."

I'm a believer in a Savior and God greater and more wonderful than anything I've ever known.
I'm a saved-by-grace-alone.
I'm a I-do-not-deserve-salvation-but-He-granted-it.
I'm a hope-in-the-things-not-seen.
I'm a Jesus-is-the-only-way.
I'm a I-am-broken-but-He-is-sufficient.
I'm a His-love-is-the-perfect-sacrifice-for-my-sins.

I do not like to be called a Christian.  Anyone can say they are one.

But we have to be careful about which we are living - are we living the label?  Or are we living the truth?

...Love, Anna...


Friday, March 21, 2014

I'm Human, How About You?

"I am so done being nice to people," 
was my mantra this week.

Which is ironic, because last week I wrote all about love and how we should love people and all of that wonderful truth. 

But here's a shocker for you: I'm actually human.
Crazy, right? 

When I first started this blog, I promised to always be painfully honest, even if it meant criticism or even judgment.  

I'm going to be painfully honest with you this week, so brace for impact, because I just might crash-land into some hard truths.

I've always had the external attitude of "I don't care what people think of me" when, in fact, I do care.  I care deeply.

The words you read here may be brave or wise or beautiful but my life does not always reflect what I say here.

I'm insecure.  
I'm terrified what people must think of me when they read my blog, or the expectations they may have for me that I'll never meet.  

Another confession?
I'm not a brave person.  At all.

One more?
I say things I shouldn't, gossip about people, disrespect adults, swear unnecessarily,  have little patience...and listen could go on and on.

Why am I telling you all of this?
Point is, folks, I am not perfect.  I am not someone to be admired or modeled after or depended upon.

I pour my heart out here, on this blog, because it's easy for me to write.  It's easy for me to hide behind words.  

But I am still human.  

And I never want anyone to think that what I write here is fake or phony or unrealistic.  Or that life is all sunshine and rainbows, because, trust me, it certainly is not.

Despite last week's call to "love people", I did not heed my own advice.  My week was more like "avoid people at all costs, they'll only let you down." 

It was just one of those "I'm so done being nice to people" weeks. And that's okay.  

Sorry for the rambling.
Concluding this mess of a post in 3...2...1...

...Love, Anna...

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Love People

You know what I've been thinking a lot about lately?

And how you really have to be brave to

Before you think I'm getting all romantic on you, let me clarify that I am not talking about romantic love, although that is definitely included.

I'm talking about all love.

You have to be brave to love.
You have to be bold to love.
You have to be really, really
to love.

Hate is a cowardly feeling.  It's so much easier to hate someone than it is to love someone.

If you hate someone, you allow yourself to become
and numb
and deaf
to their humanity.

That's easy for us.

It's so much harder to love because when you love people it means you have to
and apologize
and accept
their humanity.

We've all heard probably the most well-known verse of the bible, John 3:16, "For God SO LOVED the world..." but we probably never really think about the depth of those words, do we?

Think about them now.  Say them in your head.  Say them out loud.

God SO LOVED the world.
SO LOVED the world.
(Am I starting to sound like a broken record yet?)
He so LOVED the world - this world, your world, our world.

God surpassed all HATE with one act of LOVE.  He didn't come into this world wielding swords and leading armies.

He came in love, in the form of a child.
He made no show of His power.  He healed the blind, the dead, the lame, the lepers, freely and with no trace of pomp.

Jesus came because He loved His people,
Jesus lived in love for His people,
and Jesus died in love for His people,
so that He could love them

If there's one thing I want you to remember from all of this, it's just two simple words: love people.

LOVE is what saved you when Jesus died.
LOVE is what will outlast brokenness.
LOVE is a reflection of Him.
LOVE is more important than winning arguments, getting the best grades, or the best spot on the varsity team, or the biggest role in the school play, or the latest promotion at work.
LOVE is the only thing we can offer to the God who gave us all.
LOVE is what people are going to remember about you.

...Love, Anna...

love and support goes a long way

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Oh, hello...World?



I am shy.

I'm good at hiding it, but I am.  Shy.

Words clearly do not scare me.  But knowing who's reading them, frankly, does.

Writing this now feels like shouting into a big abyss of goodness-knows-who.

I was beside myself with excitement last week because my page views were off the charts.  I mean, really - who are you out there?  Because there's a lot of you.

Eesh.  That's a scary thought.

So as I get up on my writer's platform today, I do so with more fear in my heart than usual.  Because now that I know I'm addressing a larger population than I am used to, it makes me want to
writer's shell.

But as you can see, I AM NOT IN MY SHELL!
So for the first time I'd like to give a metaphorical
into the abyss of the
UNKNOWN readers
and say

Here I am.
Been here for precisely one year and four months.
And I am not going anywhere.

thank you.

It scares me more than you know to know that my words have started to crawl into the nooks and crannies of my world.

But every time I sit down to write, I hope you know I do it all for the honor and glory of our Savior.  So may every word spoken or written or whispered on my tongue or on the tongues of any who read this be pleasing to Him.

...Love, Anna...

P.S. While I've got you here, why don't you stick around for a while?  Check this blog out!