Sunday, June 16, 2013

Dad is Great...Gives us Chocolate Cake!

Oh, my dearest Father,

What can I possibly say?

I know that you scoff at Father's Day as "bogus" and "another Hallmark holiday", but I don't mind having the opportunity to recognize someone who has given me so much love and wisdom for as long as I've been alive.

For as long as I can remember, the safest place in my little corner of the universe has been in your lap.  And even though I'm 15 now and have far outgrown the sturdy shelter of your lap, sometimes I still want to crawl into it and be in that safety again.  I know I am still and forever will be welcome back to my old niche in your arms, a place I will never outgrow.   As I get older and wiser (?), the shelter of your lap has morphed into the fortress of your prayers.  I know that anytime I am upset or need guidance, you will be there willing and ready to pray with me and for me.  And in our little bubble of prayer, I feel fully known and loved.

I am sure that all the weird sayings and things you do will forever be etched in my being.  I find myself using the same phrases that you do to my friends, who then look at me as if I was speaking gibberish.  But it's those tiny things that embody who you are and who we are as a family...something I wouldn't trade for the world!  And even though I tease you all the time about all the weird stuff you say, and most of it I still don't pretend to understand, I hope you know that really love it.  And I'm proud that we can be weird together! :)

What other Dad would play games like "rhino" or "double kitty" (goodness knows how we came up with that one!) or have "beanie baby wars"?  Who else would make baths so fun with inventions like "waterfall"?  Who else would sing "Amazing Grace" to his daughter every night in a different way?  I still remember the time I asked you to sing it "creepy".  You hid in the closet and popped out in the middle of the verse...what other Dad could sing "Amazing Grace" creepily??!!  When I grew tired of "Amazing Grace", you used to sing "No Night There", which is still my favorite hymn.  We came up with motions to go with it, and for whatever reason we would pull on our ears when we sang "and they count not time by years".  

From very young, you sparked in Sam and Will and me a love for literature.  Instead of reading simple bedtime stories like a lot of kids, you read us masterpieces like The Chronicles of Narnia.  My favorite part about story time was how you were so animated.  When we read Harry Potter, you even used British accents and had different voices for each character.  You used to test Will and I to see if we were really paying attention.  You'd say things like, "And then Sam and Frodo went to McDonald's and ordered a Big Mac."  Will and I would laugh and laugh.

A love for literature was not the only thing you taught me from a young age.  You taught me to love writing.  I don't remember a specific time when I started writing, but it was very young.  I would never have started, or kept going for that matter, if it wasn't for you.  Your words are so beautiful.  All my life I've only ever striven to be half the writer you are.  Along with a passion for words, you've instilled in me a dissatisfaction, a want to always be better at my writing.  I think it is a very good thing.

Most importantly though, you've set the firm foundation of Christ in my life.  You've raised us all in prayer and in love.  When we were little, we had "Bib Sto" (Bible Story) every night, setting the example of reading our bibles and praying faithfully every day.  I didn't always know the meaning, but I knew the truth.  You've also given me the greatest gift a Father can give to his daughter.  That is loving her mother.  You have been a wonderful example of what a husband should be, and how he should love his wife.  I've set my standards very high, and for good reason.  My Father.

Well, Dad, you've put up with me for 15 years, and you still love me.  And for that I must say thank you.  Thank you for everything you are and have been.  The next three years will be tough, but I am looking forward to spending more time with you and Mom.  And I know that no matter what, you will be here with your sheltering arms and trusting prayers.  And that is more than any daughter could ask for.

I love you, Daddy.


I think you've quoted this once or twice! ;)


  1. well said, dearest anna, well said!

  2. Oh Anna, you got a good one, that's for sure! (As did my girls!) So glad to read this today. Tell your parents hi! :)

  3. Getting caught up on your blog posts while my kids are gone this week, Anna. I ALWAYS knew my brother was a GREAT dad! But, you gave me such a great glimpse into your world in this post! What other dad could sing "Amazing Grace" in a creepy way?! I love this! And, I love you and your awesome family!
