I'm in 10th grade.
What. The heck. Happened?
Somehow the last day of school sneaked up on me from behind...and here I am. A sophomore in high school.
I still feel like an ignorant eighth-grader, shaking in my shoes on the first day of high school, unprepared for four years of adventure and growth. I remember the first day of school as a freshman so vividly. There I was, not knowing what to expect, excited, terrified, overwhelmed.
But this year has been beyond wonderful. Full of surprises, trials, laughter, tears, new friends, adventures, struggles, and successes. But so wonderful.
I was part of my first high school theater production. And as lame as it sounds, I've been dreaming of being in high school theater since I was very little. I'm living my dream, y'all.
And I learned (painfully) that, as Billy Joel would say, "you can't be everything you want to be before your time."
My family and I had our first Christmas without my Grandpa.

I turned 15 on January 15!
I made some amazing new friends and had one of the greatest experiences of my life through "Sasquatch: the musical". I learned how to be patient, to persevere, and to give God the glory.
I wrote my first song for my brother who is leaving for college in August, and performed it (with persuasion from my friend) at the annual Thespian Coffee House.
I watched my brother,Will, graduate from high school.
Dear Freshman Year,
If I had to pick one word to sum you up, it would probably be growth.
Sure I've grown taller and matured.
But I mean I've grown into who I am.
I'm not exactly sure who that is yet.
But for once I'm not worried about it.
I've grown stronger in my faith.
I've grown stronger in my ability to let things I can't control go to the One who controls all.
I've grown stronger in my prayers.
I've grown stronger in my love.
I've grown stronger in my helpless need for God.
I've stopped trying to impress people.
I've stopped worrying so much.
I've learned to listen better.
I've learned to enjoy each moment better.
I've learned how to be quiet.
I've learned when to speak and what to say.
You've been good to me, 9th grade. But don't be offended when I say I'm ready to move on. Truly, I am. As much as I'd love to stay, I need to go. I've much more to discover, you see. I've much more to learn about the world, about people, about myself. I have places I'm ready to go to, people I need to meet, prayers I need to pray, and shows I'm dying to be a part of.
I'm thankful for you, with all your ups and downs. You've weeded out the true friends and the flakes. You've exposed the things about me that need much improvement. You've encouraged the things about me that are perfect the way they are. And you've given me more wisdom. And for that I must say, thank you LORD.
So I guess this means goodbye, Freshman Year. I won't forget you. :)
....Love, Anna...

WOW! Where DID this year go? It's been a fun ride with you, Anna my dear! Can't wait for three more years of high school. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
ReplyDeleteanna, you are so beautiful and inspiring! the things you are learning, right NOW in HIGHSCHOOL are the things I wish I learned then! You inspire me greatly, anna! I wish I was closer to spend more time with you!! congrats on finishing your first year of high school! I love you!! <3
ReplyDeleteWho hoo! Yay for 10th grade:) it's awesome getting to move along in the grades with you. Love you girl and I love who you are becoming:)