Good old Eleanor Roosevelt.
Yep, it was her words of wisdom that I had etched on my wrist and tucked away in my heart this week:

First of all, thank you Eleanor. You inspire me.
Second of all, can we take a moment to flashback to the beginning of the year when I wrote these words:
And this year, as odd as it sounds, I want to be brave.
I want to make new friends and try new things and somehow get my words to reach the far corners of this earth. I want to inspire.
A little over-eager was I. Still yet, looking back, I have a lot of respect for that all-too-zealous and ever-too-innocent Anna of last September.
Because at least that Anna knew what she wanted. At least she wasn't afraid.
Last September I proclaimed to an unknown audience that I wanted to be brave. That I wanted to be inspiring.
I'm not too certain that I'm either of those things.
But this week I learned something.
Listen up, because this just might apply to you, too.
I learned what bravery really is.
Bravery is not being fearless.
Bravery is not pretending you don't care.
Bravery is not shouting from the rooftops.
is the decision that
what you want,
or often times,
what you need,
is more important than fear.
is the voice that speaks
with confidence
even if it's shaking
even if it's small.
is hoping
is being honest
and forgiving,
no matter the cost.
is doing the thing
you think
you cannot do.
I don't consider myself brave. I build a lot of walls of almost-courage, pseudo-confidence, and bendable-strength. Truth is, I'm not of those things.
I am brave only because I have an army of my Savior, my family, and my friends to back me up.
I am confident only in the fact that I have a God who carries me, no matter how much I am carrying.
I am strong only with the strength He supplies me with daily through His love, His forgiveness, and His grace.
I want to encourage you to be brave. It's scary. It's hard. Sometimes it's not worth it, and sometimes it can make all the difference.
Either way, know this:
"If our God is for us, who can be against us?"
Romans 8:31
...Love, Anna...
I love you so much, Anna! It's been awhile since I've checked in with your blog. It is SO great! You are not just my niece -- you are my sister on this journey! I am right there with you. And, you say it all SO well!