Sunday, September 7, 2014

We're Alive, and It's Not by Accident

I wanted to take a moment this week to send a reminder out there -
to whoever you are -
that you're very much alive
and it's not by accident.

I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but often times I feel like I become easily bogged down by the negativity of the people around me and by my own negativity.

We all complain.  We all complain TOO MUCH.

This week I just want to remind you what a beautiful, broken GIFT
your life is.
We're not here just because.

We're alive and breathing and we have so much to sing and speak and dance and write about.

We're here and we're privileged and we're blessed.
We get to WAKE UP in the morning,
we get to GO TO SCHOOL,
we get to BE EDUCATED,

We're here and we're all broken in certain unfixable ways but
we can go to the sink AND DRINK WATER
we can go to the store AND BUY FOOD.

We have BOOKS to read and MUSIC to listen to and a BEAUTIFUL world around us.
We're not STUCK in Grove City, we're LIVING in Grove City, and we're SAFE.

We have BEDS to sleep in when we're tired,
COFFEE to wake us up,
HOMEWORK to make us think.

We have WORDS.  We have THOUGHTS.  We are ALIVE.
And it's not by accident.

We need to start rejoicing, because no matter what you're going through, there is ALWAYS a reason to give thanks.

God gave you this life,
and it's not by accident., anna...

"This is the day the LORD has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." ~Psalm 118:24

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