Monday, November 24, 2014

Read My Scars & Listen to My Wounds

Whoever reads this, I really hope you take this to heart.

I want to talk about being a sensitive person.
Don't roll your eyes.

I am a very sensitive person - always have been, always will be - and though there are many times I wish I could change this about myself -
I'm not going to apologize for it.

In a world where we are berrated for being vulnerable,
in a world where circumstances and people give us every reason to be cynical,
in a world where we are taught to "grit our teeth and bear it" -

I am completely aware of pain.  My pain, your pain -
the world's pain.

Being sensitive does not mean that I am weak.
It means that I see, acknowledge, and feel deeply and excruciatingly.

Shedding tears over hurt is not pathetic.
It simply means I'm a human being who feels.

This is not to say that less sensitive people are any less capable of feeling than I am.  Or that I don't have my own issues with insecurity.

I am simply so tired of people's refusal to read each other's scars & listen to each other's wounds.

We are human.  We are fragile.

I will not and cannot ever apologize for being a sensitive person.
And I have absolutely no reason to.

I know this is rambling and poorly written, but to anyone out there suffering because you've been told to "just get over it" -
let me tell you,
I see your pain
and I acknowledge it.

I challenge you to love genuinely, to be sensitive, and to be aware of other's pain.

End rant., anna...


  1. Anna, lovely. I may ask you permission if I can share it with a group in the future. You are lovely.

    1. Thank you Monique! Of course you can share anything I write on here! :)
